Saturday, October 17, 2009

Even in the rain we shine...

Hip-Hop...its our chosen way to express ourselves. You don't buy clothes and become Hip-Hop. You don't buy rap music and all of sudden you're miraculously transformed into Hip-Hop. We do what we do because we have no choice. Its like breathing air. Its a part of our vibe...a part of our simply be, regardless of what other characteristics people try to impose upon us.

Its to being different when everyone tries to be the same. Its being proud of conquering whatever obstacles made us who we are today, not unlike failing many times at perfecting a dope freeze and yet getting up every single time we fall until we succeed at mastering it.

Its cherishing the fact that we are individuals with our own minds instead of just going along with the crowd.

Its shouting, "It may not look like a dance to you...but its my dance."

Its knowing that Hip-Hop is Peace, Love, and Understanding...and not the ignorance that's being spread by the radio, tv, and media.

Its to being accepting of all walks of life and cultures because we understand what its like to be misunderstood and stereotyped.

Everytime we dance...everytime we perform...we do it not just for the applause...but we do it because of all of the things above. On a stage, on the corner, in school, in a studio, at work, in a supermarket...anywhere....if we find it hard to fight the urge to dance in those places...then every chance we get to dance should be cherished.

Even in the rain we shine...

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